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The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and Early Childhood Intervention Programs in the ACT

The ACT Government is a trial site for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). The ACT will be the first jurisdiction in Australia to have all eligible residents included in the Scheme by July 2016. From 2015, early intervention services are provided by non government organisations. This allows for more inclusive, integrated and family-centred support for children with a disability and their families and carers and provides us with an opportunity to work together as a community to make sure the services provided better meet the individual needs of families.

For more information, parents and carers can contact the ACT Government information line on 62071086 or visit the Education Directorate website.

Turner School DECO Antonia McGuire, Principal Allison Edmonds and Deputy Principal Robyn Watson continue to work with families as the services available to families eligible for the NDIS unfold.