Kindergarten team updates

Kindergarten Team
Term 1 Letter – 2024

Dear Families and Friends of Kindergarten,

Welcome to 2024!  What a fantastic start to the new year. Welcome to the start of the school year, and a special welcome to our families who are new to the Turner Community!  Your children have settled really well into school and are busily engaged in their Kindergarten learning. Thanks for your support in getting them started so positively.

This letter aims to provide you with a greater level of insight into what we will be covering in our classrooms during the first term. At Turner we recognise the importance of establishing strong collaborative partnerships between home and school in order to meet our children’s educational needs. Thank you to those families who have touched base to tell us more about your child. It is wonderful to learn about them and see them through your eyes. We encourage those of you who have not yet connected with us, to send either a letter via email or the student information sheet attached to this letter.

This term, Kindergarten students have opportunities to channel their learning through the following big inquiry question below;

Who am I? Who are You? Who are We Together?

We aim to assist students to make connections across subjects to layer, consolidate and transfer their learning, in addition to providing  opportunities to personalise learning. For more information about Turner’s approach to learning, please follow the link below (also found on the Turner School website. Turner School - Learning From Home Hub - Beginning of Year Information (

Learner Assets

At Turner School, we have a ‘Turner Learner’ profile that is compiled of our learner assets. The learner assets align with the general capabilities in the Australian Curriculum and focus on life-long learning and collaborative skills. This term, we are focussing particularly on becoming self-managers.

Being a ‘self-manager’ in Kindergarten means that children are working on skills such as:

Each year, Turner School holds a school-wide festival in term 3. It is an incredible week of celebrating learning, visits from experts, workshops, collaboration across the school and so much more. This year we will be holding our fifth biennial STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths) Festival, with the focus being ‘Tinkering Takes Time’. To align with the disposition of being a ‘tinkerer’ we explored dispositions that help us to be creative and big thinkers. This shaped our class names for 2024 below:

Alice Winchester- KAW Discoverers

Imogen McKeon and Jane Frazer- KIM Experimenters

Young Lee (Lee) and Jane Frazer - KYL Investigators

Extracurricular Activities

In term 1, we establish many of our extracurricular opportunities to enrich student learning. More detailed information about community projects which could include activities such as Ukulele, gardening and other opportunities will be advertised in the week 3 newsletter and also communicated with students. Our regular extracurricular activities will begin in week 4.

Home Learning

There is no formal home learning for Kindergarten, Year 1 and Year 2. Instead, we seek the support of families to read with their child every day aligned with our Home Reading program and to look for opportunities to explore number concepts in real world contexts. We will also have weekly ‘Talk Time’ where students can share with their peers around a different topic. Details around the day your child will present and the weekly topics will be sent home.

Eating Times

We have three eating times across the day. The first being fruit break, usually at around 9:45. Please pack a small amount of fruit or vegetables for your child to have at this time. It is recommended that it is cut up to allow it to be eaten within about ten minutes. Students have eating time in the classrooms before lunch and recess play. This is usually around 15-20 minutes. Please pack items your child can manage independently.


All kindergarten students in the ACT take part in the BASE assessment. This gives us an idea of the early language and number skills of students as they begin their educational journey. The assessment process occurs twice in the kindergarten year:  in the first term and again at the end of the year, and you will receive a BASE summary report for your child for both observations.  This means that classroom teachers will be released off class at different times across week 3 and 4 and your child will have a relief teacher. The assessment also creates a valuable time to continue to build relationships with each student, particularly early in the year and for teachers to gain an understanding of what each child knows and develop their next steps for learning.

Kindergarten Health Checks

A large white envelope was sent home recently, about Kindergarten Health Checks.  This is a system-wide initiative through ACT Health, where all Kinder students have the opportunity for hearing and vision checks.  Please return your envelope to the front office ASAP, ready for the health checks next term.  The due date for returning the forms and being included in this is within the envelope.

Learning Overview for Kindergarten

Please find below a Term 1 Overview, aligned with our big question, the Australian Curriculum, that will frame your child’s learning experiences.

Big Question: Who am I? Who are You? Who are we Together?

Each term we have a ‘big question’ that shapes our learning across all subjects and incorporates various learning outcomes. In term 1 we will be exploring our own identity, making connections with others and recognising our obligation to each other. Through mentor texts, rich learning opportunities and talk time, students will share their own experiences and hear those of the people around them.

Curriculum Area


Learning Experiences


Author Study- Mem Fox

Mentor Texts

Oral Language

Text Creation

Engaging with Texts

Phonemic Awareness

We will be immersing ourselves in the amazing work of one of Australia’s most loved authors, Mem Fox. Through the rich language and beautiful illustrations featured in her texts, students will be making connections to themselves, each other and the world. Some of the books we will be focusing on include Possum Magic, I am Australian Too, Wilfred Gordon McDonald Partridge, Koala Lou and a Giraffe in the Bath.

  • daily experiences of   talking and thinking based on rich children’s literature (mentor texts)
  • daily opportunities to   read, including shared reading and developing independent reading routines
  • investigating the three different ways to   read a book: read the pictures, read the words, and retell the story
  • letter recognition and beginning   to apply a growing knowledge of letter sounds
  • building understanding   that letters can have multiple sounds
  • developing phonological   awareness skills through use of rhyme and playful experiences with language
  • encouraging students to   ‘have-a-go’ at writing in many different contexts and are exposed to   authentic, modelled and shared writing
  • teachers modeling the   writing of sentences, words, letters, capital letters and writing from left   to right
  • read alouds of familiar   texts


Number Recognition

Comparing and sequencing numbers

2D Shapes


Mathematical language

  • regular targeted numeracy games (known as ‘Ten   Time’)
  • explicit   teaching of number concepts
  • exploring concrete materials, sequencing,   sorting, comparing and practising numeral formation
  • singing and counting games to develop   fluency in number sequences
  • Counting backwards, and counting from different   starting numbers
  • using number lines and number ‘tracks’
  • exploring how numbers relate to each other   and how they can be represented in different ways
  • Identifying Mathematical language specific to   topics
  • Identifying patterns and shapes in the real world
  • Recognising, continuing and creating patterns
  • Naming basic features of common 2D shapes



Physical Education


Being Safe

Fair play

Fundamental Movement Skills

  • Introducing our Turner SCARFF values
  • Visit from Kenny Koala about being safe in the   community
  • How to play games in a fair way
  • Recognising emotions and strategies to support ourselves   to regulate
  • Games and activities incorporating throwing,   catching, kicking, spatial awareness and other fundamental movement skills

The Arts


Visual Art

  • moving and playing instruments to the beat
  • Exposure to a range of music styles, instrumental   sounds and compositions
  • learning a range of songs to build a sense of   belonging as a Kinder community.
  • Linking literacy- students will create their own   songbook to add any songs or rhymes covered in music and community singing   and can be accessed during independent reading time.


Language and Culture

  • With support, recognise and communicate meaning in Indonesian.
  • Participate in a range of guided, play-based language activities using simple expressions, visual and spoken cues

We believe that working in partnership with you best supports your child’s learning, you are welcome to contact your child’s class teacher to discuss their progress at any time. Please email them directly or call Turner School on 6142 2430.

We are looking forward to continuing a great year of learning!

Kind regards,

The 2024 Kindergarten Team





Kayla (team leader)-