Years 3/4 team updates

Years 3/4 students with sock puppets

3/4 Team
Term 1 Letter 2024

Dear Families and Friends,

Welcome to 2024!

We are very excited about the year ahead and we hope you are too. The students have been wonderfully settled in classes and have started the year demonstrating an impressive eagerness to learn. This letter aims to provide you with a greater level of insight into what we will be covering in our classrooms during the first term. At Turner, we recognise the importance of establishing strong collaborative partnerships between home and school to meet our student’s educational needs. We have spent the last few weeks reflecting on ourselves as learners and establishing the crucial classroom systems and structures that will support successful learning throughout 2024.

Extracurricular Activities

In term 1, we will establish many of our extracurricular opportunities to enrich student learning. More detailed information about community projects such as Djembe group, Ukulele, Coding, Choir Performance opportunities, are in this week’s newsletter and communicated with students in their daily notices.

Devices & Google Workspace for Education

In 3/4, we use Chromebooks and iPads to complement learning when relevant. We use both of these devices to access Google Workspace for Education. Students have the opportunity to be a part of Google Classrooms where they can share their work, seek and provide feedback. Google Workspace for Education encompasses Google Docs, Google Sheets, Google Slides and Google Forms. Classes will access these programs throughout the year to assist with learning. Across the year, we explicitly teach and reinforce cyber-safe practices when utilising technology. The ‘Appropriate use of ICT’ note was sent home in week 1. Please support us by having these conversations at home with your child.

Home Learning

A Home Learning grid is posted to your child’s Google Classroom and provides opportunities for students to practice, share, consolidate and extend what they have been learning in the classroom. A typical termly home learning grid includes opportunities related to all curriculum areas and is linked with the term’s Inquiry focus. The term 1 home learning grid will be posted at the beginning of week 5 to give teachers the opportunity to align tasks with the learning program. Subsequent grids will be posted at the beginning of each term.

There will be times throughout the year when high investment learning experiences will naturally overflow into learning at home. These opportunities include the Senior Story Telling Awards, passion projects and leadership projects. These learning experiences can be completed independently and are not compulsory. If your child chooses to complete the home learning, they can return it to their class teacher fortnightly on a Friday (odd weeks) for feedback.

Phones / Smart Watches

Children with mobile phones, smart watches and any other devices that can connect to the internet or the network, have a daily routine of checking them into the Condamine Street office on arrival at school and retrieving them at 3pm. Children should not bring valuable items and toys to school. Exceptional circumstances can be discussed with your child’s teacher.

Coming up in 3/4 in 2024…

Throughout the year there will be many whole-school and 3/4 specific activities. These dates will be included in the fortnightly newsletters.

Here are some to add to your calendar:

  • Senior Assembly – 21st February
  • Swimming Carnival – 6th March
  • NAPLAN (year 3 only) – 13th-25th March
  • School Photos – 2nd April
  • End of term assembly (Harmony Day focus)– 10th April

In term 4, our 3/4 students have 2 long day outdoor education experiences held at Birrigai. Notes will go home in Term 3 with more details.


NAPLAN is held in term 1 this year and begins on Wednesday, the 13th of March. If you have questions or concerns please speak to your child’s teacher, or Aidan (the 3/4 Team Leader). There is nothing you need to prepare your child for at home.

If you would like to contact your child’s class teacher to discuss their progress, please email them directly or call Turner School on 6142 2430 to make an appointment.

We are looking forward to a great term of learning!

Kind Regards,

The 3/4 Team

Aidan –

Micha -

Craig -

Evan -

Chelsea -

Kailee -

Rima (Indonesian)-

Kimberley (music)-

Term 1 Learning Overview for Year 3/4

Please find below the Term 1 Overview (including Achievement Standards from the Australian Curriculum) and inquiry questions that will frame your child’s learning experiences.

Learning Area

Big ideas and

Inquiry Questions

Big ideas taught through the Australian Curriculum Achievement Standards


Reading and Writing

Speaking, Listening and Viewing

Spelling and Word Consciousness

Digital Literacy

Visual Literacy

Text creation to persuade:

What is a persuasive text?

What language features are found in persuasive texts?

How can I convince my audience of my opinion?

Year 3

  • Interact   with others, listens to and creates texts
  • Relates   ideas; expresses opinion, preferences and appreciation of texts
  • Reads,   views and comprehends texts, recognising their purpose and audience
  • Describes   the language features of texts including topic-specific vocabulary and   literary devices
  • Creates   texts for audiences to inform, narrate, explain or argue
  • Spells   multisyllabic words using phonic and morphemic knowledge

Year 4

  • Interacts   with others, and listens to and creates spoken and/or multimodal texts
  • Uses   text structures to organise and link ideas
  • Describes   the characteristic features of different text structures
  • Creates   texts for audiences where they develop ideas using details from learnt   topics, topics of interest or texts
  • Uses   paragraphs to organise and link ideas
  • Spells   words using phonic, morphemic and grammatical knowledge


What does it mean to be numerate?

How can I explain processes and thinking when I am solving problems?

Where do mathematical concepts apply in the real world?

What are the four operations and what strategies can I use to understand them?

How do I collect data and analyse it properly?

How do I tell the time in various contexts?

Year 3

  • Orders   and represents natural numbers beyond 10 000
  • Partitions,   rearranges and regroups two- and three-digit numbers in different ways to   assist in calculations
  • Uses   single-digit addition and subtraction facts and applies additive strategies   to solve problems involving two- and three-digit numbers
  • Solves   practical problems involving multiplication facts for twos, threes, fours,   fives and tens, using a range of strategies
  • Estimates   and compares measures of duration using formal units of time
  • Conducts   investigations involving numerical data, and interprets their results

Year 4

  • Uses   their understanding of place value to represent tenths and hundredths in   decimal form and to multiply natural numbers by multiples of 10
  • Uses    efficient mathematical  strategies to solve problems using number   sentences
  • Finds   unknown values in equations involving addition and subtraction
  • Converts   between units of time when solving problems involving duration
  • Uses   surveys to generate numerical data in and communicates their findings


Learner Asset: Researcher

What are the differences between solids and liquids?

How are solids or liquids influenced by temperature?

How can everyday items change?

Why are some materials biodegradable and others are not?

How can materials be used to heat things or keep them warm?

Year 3

  • Identifies   sources of heat energy and examples of heat transfer and explains changes in   the temperature of objects
  • Classifies   solids and liquids based on observable properties and describes how to cause   a change of state
  • Describes   how people use data to develop explanations
  • Identifies   solutions that use scientific explanations
  • Uses   scaffolds to plan safe investigations and fair tests
  • Uses   familiar classroom instruments to make measurements

Year 4

  • Relates   the uses of materials to their properties
  • Explains   the role of data in science inquiry
  • Poses   questions to identify patterns and relationships and makes predictions based   on observations
  • Plans   investigations using planning scaffolds, identifies key elements of fair   tests and describes how they conduct investigations safely
  • Uses   simple procedures to make accurate formal measurements



Physical Education

How can I recognise emotions?

How can I work cooperatively within a group?

How can I develop and use Fundamental Movement Skills?

Years 3 & 4

  • Describes   strategies to manage emotions, changes and transitions
  • Applies   skills and strategies to interact respectfully with others
  • Describes   and applies protective behaviours and help-seeking strategies to keep   themselves and others safe
  • Applies   fundamental movement skills and demonstrates movement concepts across a range   of situations
  • Demonstrates   fair play and inclusion


Digital & Design Technology

How can we use technology safely to enhance our learning?

Years 3 & 4

  • Securely   accesses and uses digital systems and their peripherals for a range of   purposes, including transmitting data
  • Uses   the core features of common digital tools to plan, create, locate and share   content, and to collaborate, following agreed behaviours
  • Identifies   personal data stored online and its risks

The Arts - (Visual Art and Music)

Inquiring into the ways Art is created across culture, time and place.

How can I experiment with a range of visual arts conventions, processes and materials?

Years 3 & 4

  • Describes   use of elements, concepts and conventions in arts works they create and   experience
  • Uses   arts knowledge and skills to create arts works in a range of forms that   communicate ideas, perspectives and meaning
  • Presents   or performs their work in informal settings


Language and Culture

How can I use Indonesian to share information related to my classroom and personal world?

Years 3 & 4

  • Initiate   exchanges and respond to modelled questions about self, others, and classroom   environment, using formulaic expressions.
  • Recognise   and use modelled combinations of sounds, pronunciation and intonation   patterns of Indonesian to form words and phrases.